Friday, September 7, 2012

Riddle me this... #1

Imagine that you are on a first date-a blind date-with a girl you just met.  She doesn't live "here" and doesn't know anyone in the town because her plane made an emergency landing and the airline paid for her  transport to the hotel that happens to be near the Chili's where you get two-for-ones every Thursday.  After Steak Night at the girls' bar, you decide to pick up something at the convenience store. She follows you in.

     "Let's buy lottery tickets," she plops $5 on the counter.

You smile and remember that time you boarded the flight out of Vegas with .06 in your pocket.  "I'm a gambler," you say and plop $5 on the counter.

Sam hands the two printouts to you because he knows you and he's giving you a handful of change for whatever it is that you buy at convenience stores when you're on a date.

In the car, you push the numbers above the visor on your side and turn up the radio, Hot Child in the City is playing.  Seriously- Melissa Etheridge is belting out similar features with longer hair which reminds the mystery date of her ex who looked like your besty who spent most of the night wedged between you and her at the bar. You push back your hair and push the FF button four more times so that M sings, I'm the Only One.

     "Your friend was nice."
     You grin but clench your butt cheeks.
     "Do you want to go somewhere else?"
     "No.  I have to get up. I'm training for a 1K."

At the Chili's parking lot, you get out because a boy did this in a movie-like "Footloose" or "All the Right Moves" but not like in "Top Gun" because by then Maverick had Goose but didn't have the right tools for Kelly McGillis-that taught you how to practice your swagger even though you're thinking about that poster you had of Kelly McGillis and wondering if you can make it back to the bar before last call so that you can get your besty-who ruined everything-to buy you a shot, and then you will beat her in Galaga and take her last $5.

You lean in and plant a kiss that she'll  remember forever because you're a tease-without-a-cause. "I'll call you.  Or-, call me next time you're here."

A few months goes by and you keep hearing that someone local won the big lottery.  You wonder what kind of moron wouldn't keep track of numbers for a jackpot that big, but you're interrupted by the sun that's in your eyes.

After you read the numbers a hundred times and realize that you and your convenience store date won the lottery, you:

     a.  donate half to the local P.A.W.S.
     b.  tell your family members that they have to divide half and to never, ever bug you for money ever again
     c.  call her and tell her that she won half
     d.  keep it

What would you do?

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