Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pick-up trucks, Pick-up sticks, and Pick-up Lines

So that I have notes for the inside of my wrists next time, why don't you add the best pick-up line that you've ever used or heard?

Add details like the year you heard it, who delivered it, where you were or any relevant colorful info to the tag:

      "Smoking is hazardous to your health... and baby, you're killing me!"
                                                                                        - My Dad, 1955


  1. In a bar: "my friend and I were wondering...what you do for a living. I said you were an undercover agent and she said you were a kindergarden teacher. Who's right?" Me...1999

  2. so, did you deliver it or receive this line, ")

    1. delivered...try it. It is great way to "break the ice" and find out more about them. Someone has to take a chance (speak first) so just go for it.

  3. There isn't a better pick up line than just looking at a girl straight in the eyes, and then giving her a sexy/flirty smile and wink.....it works!


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