Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Planet Puster and its Purple Problem

On the planet Puster, people are pink.  All of them are born in one boring color.  Because the boys are all boys and the girls are all boys, pink boys birth the babies.  It’s best that way.  The Pusters have the purple problem.  At puberty, some of the pink boys—a very small portion—begin to turn purple.  

This chaotic color conundrum confounds the Pusters.  Life wouldn’t be life if there was more than one truth to stare you in the face.  Too much diversity creates disparity. 

Dan had been a daring Puster. He had wanted to become an attorney before he took the matrimonial vows Dana.  But, Dan began to become purple when he was 21.  He was a belated bloomer. By then, it was pretty clear that Dana was going to remain pink.

Most purples manifest the initiating hue, thistle, when they begin puberty.  This is the trickiest of times. Puster parents are perplexed but pacified when their pubescents are pranking about, still yielding pink hues. 

“What’s a parent to do but feel blessed that the pranking will pass but purple doesn’t disappear.”

Some purples pass puberty and take on the color of thistle later.  History books hearken of one who initiated thistle at 49 years which was a ridiculous waste of energy for his family because all Pusters die at 50.  Why did he even bother to emanate thistle?  He was considered to be the most selfish of all purples since time began to be recorded.

The purples can live longer, but it isn’t fair to the Pusters, so the purples are put to death—at an exorbitant cost.  This particular process is a huge burden on the purples’ portion.  During the year 0.1, the majority decided what to do with the majority’s money.

“The law has been the law since the beginning of Puster civilization,” each Puster swears during the swearing-in of one’s loyalty.

The Pusters voted that they shouldn’t have to pay for the purple’s cremations because the lot of them are transients.  Their fiscal system is based on fundamental math.  Furthermore, the spiritual system supports the logic; otherwise, the Pusters’ collective intelligence and/or its benevolent deity would introduce a better institution.   

“Who am I to say that all of the millions of people who preceded me—who gave us Puster civilization—are in err? I am not that wise,” many Pusters confess when confronted by the purple picketers.

The pink boys’ system announces its stability, and—in truth— it protects the purples who are unable to support themselves after age 50.  The young adult Pusters shouldn’t have to pay for their parent’s funerals as well as an alien purple’s welfare.  How would that be fair to the race? The Pusters must focus all of their energies on eradicating eggplants, violets, grapes, lavender, and slivers in rainbows.  They shouldn’t have to extend loyalty to purples that impersonated pure Pusters.

This story is a story in and of itself. But, if you want to know more about the Pusters, follow this link:

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