Sunday, October 7, 2012

D-o-o-n-n-n’t Talk to Her Friend

It’s tough with this new generation.  I can’t figure out if the girls are straight or gay.  That should tell me that they’re too young for me, “)!

"Do you think she's gay?" I ask Bear and two boys that have adopted the stools next to us.  They all turn to look directly at a blonde who has locked eyes with me twice.

“Ask her if you can buy her a beer,” Bear said
“She just got one.”
“Ask her if you can bum a smoke,” Bear said with a bit of force.
“Crap. She smokes? I dunno.”
“I don’t know. Do you want me to talk to her for you?”

My mind's chorus stifles a heightening, "Yes!" But, I think that would be lame for Bear to go get her and drop her in my lap.  What would I do then? I might need to move past the stage of "Eye Contact" and I haven't read that chapter in the Young Adult Lit book.

Bear likes the raw dynamic of talking to strangers.  She's rises to the occasion. I'm more like the guy in A Beautiful Mind who says the wrong thing to the girl in the bar and then gets slapped.  But, I'm not going to come out and ask for sex, I'm looking for an organic way to go about the informal formality.  I'm thinking, "This bar is loud, and I'll need to feel your energy before we go much farther."  Weird, I know.  It really comes down to not making the introduction more than it is. It will result in:
      a. a friend
      b. a date
      c. a slap

"Go talk to her friend," Bear said before she turned to look at the girls with dreds. 

Tip #1:  D-o-o-n-n-n’t talk to her friend if you've already made eye contact.  She’ll turn around on the bar stool and walk out the door, and then you’ll cry in your beer and get the great idea to go over to the girl’s bar—named, guess what, “L”—, and then you’ll find out it’s a straight bar, and then a gay girl who’s wearing a dress will come out and say, “Are ya’ll looking for the girls’ bar,” and then you’ll say “Yes,” and then she’ll say, “It’s closed.”


  1. And what exactly is wrong with a lesbian in a dress?

    1. I like this account of the night, however, I don't think I spoke with a "bit of force."

  2. Nothing-you looked hot! It was tough to tell with that crowd. It seemed like a lot of people wandered in from the haunted house thingy.


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