Sunday, March 24, 2013

Single Girls, Post Here

If you're single and you read my ramblings about dating, you may have a list of things you want to say, or scream, to the lesbians around the globe- just in case the lot of them are listening and might want to date you.

When I was with #2,  two women told us a story of "when everything started getting serious."  They made a list of their own bad habits, and then they swapped lists for the lover to read.

"This is it.  If there's anything you can't live with, say so now," they declared.

I seem to remember things like "farts" and "burps" and other unfortunate behaviors that were on their lists.  I wouldn't have wanted to live with a few of those tendencies, but love has a way of overlooking one-dimensional warnings. Still, I thought they were brilliant for being so vulnerable and brave.

I often write a manifesto to my future serious girl (who hopefully is not too serious because I am often too serious and, upon colliding, we could implode or cause a preemptive evolution due solely to our combined pent up energy. (It would be selfish of us to implode but feel really good, probably)).  I list the important stuff when I'm idle and can refresh my short-term memory. However, this is the first version that can be cemented into actual words.

My Martin Luther declaration is socio-scientifically proofed by Myers-Briggs.  I am an INFJ.  It goes a bit like this:

      I is for Introvert- I probably need to be with an extrovert but you guys scare the **** out of me.
      Therefore, I am initially attracted to introverts. Eventually, one of us needs to go out and about and do
      something interesting (or club an extrovert and drag her/him/it back to the cave) if we are to share
      oxygen for eternity.  Let's flip for it.

     N is if iNtuitive- I see (behaviors) and hear (intentions) what no one else gets.  As my partner, you are
    expected to take me seriously when I talk about these things. Seriously.

     F is for Feeling- I will always root for the underdog unless they are scary extroverts or the voices in my
     head help me see and hear warnings that no one else is special enough to process.  If that happens, it's a
    good idea that you take me seriously or give me a reality check. Either/or is good.

     J is for Judgement- I am too often truthful  and have spent many years trying to find nicer ways to not say

That's my hard to deal with stuff but here's my good stuff:

      I is for Introvert- I'm probably not going to dominate the conversation...ever.

     N is if iNtuitive- You can (financially and socially) benefit from this (less-than-common) aptitude if you
    don't have one of your own.

     F is for Feeling- If you tell me how my behavior makes you feel, I'll listen (whether I want to or not)
     because I'm wired that way.

     J is for Judgement- I don't beat around the bush which saves a lot of time, and you never have to guess
    where I stand on issues that effect the underdog or out-of-control extroverts.

But each time I go through my explanation of who I am, it changes a bit. This list is different than the one I made on Friday.  Maybe the words don't really matter.  They can represent what Myers-Briggs says I am, but I am always changing what's inside the letters.

I think it would be cool for you to grab a pen and make a list for yourself. It doesn't have to be based on anything formal like Myers-Briggs, just a declaration that rings true to you. Of course, it would be really cool of you to share it with us!

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